“Yesterday’s Customer Service…Today’s Quality Products”

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There is nothing stock about Howe’s Countertop Connection.

We are a custom fabricator of the industry’s leading products with decades of superior customer service.

From design consultation and free estimates followed by measuring, installation, and delivery, Howe’s Countertop Connection is by your side when you decide to order a new countertop for your home or business. The design consultation with Howe’s Countertop Connection will help you decide the right color and design to fit your style. Every project begins with professional measurement and project layout, this will ensure your countertop will be fabricated correctly for a beautiful custom fit. Once the order is filled your installation team will arrive on-site for the final Installation that only a custom fabricator can complete. Are you a “Do it yourselfer”? No worries, we will be happy to arrange delivery for a nominal fee.

From start to finish your Howe’s Countertop Connection team is with you every step of the way. Contact Howe’s Countertop Connection to find out for yourself what “Yesterday’s customer service… Today’s quality products” really means!

Call Us Today (507) 584-6778